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Service Plus

Dear Customers,

Our primary goal is developing a secure and customizable theme framework that meets the needs of the end user. Therefore, our customers are able to create websites based on our templates with very little effort! This process requires minimum knowledge of WordPress or coding; and extensive documentation as well as our Support Team are always at your service. However, we ask you to keep in mind that sometimes issues occur that are not caused by template malfunction. There might be situations when neither the product itself nor our framework are at fault. Among other things, theme performance can be affected by server settings, additional functionality that requires deep file customization, external plugin usage and, of course, attempts to build a website in a very short time.

We know the ins and outs of our theme framework and have a highly professional team of developers. They will help you to develop the website you need. If you need website customization, please contact our support team for further information:



Installation + logo change

  • The template will be installed on your server exactly as the demo looks like. You will get access to the admin panel, so you can manage your website
  • We will replace the template’s logo with yours on each page of the template. The logo has to be in good quality in .PSD, .EPS, .PNG, .JPG format. Logo width should be 300px and 600px
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Ready-to-use Website

  • Theme installation on your server with your logo
  • Google map with your address set
  • Content and images replacement up to 6 pages (without layout change)
  • Removing elements that you do not need on your website
  • Social icons set (without changing theme layout)
  • Color scheme replacement
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Full Website Package

  • WordPress and theme installation
  • Customization of website branding
  • Color scheme replacement
  • Content setup (adding 6 pages, 6 posts, Revolution sliders)
  • SEO Essentials
  • Website speed optimization
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Specjalistyczna Praktyka Lekarska

Rybnik ul. Cegielniana 20 poniedziałki od godz. 14:00 do 20:00 a od 1 marca 2025 gabinet zostanie przeniesiony w nowe miejsce tj: Rybnik ul Słowackiego 15/1

Konieczne wcześniejsze umówienie wizyty pod numerem tel 798 290 695 lub 501137481  poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach od 16:00 do 20:00 z wyjątkiem dni świątecznych.


Specjalistyczna Praktyka Lekarska

Pawłowice ul. Wodzisławska 17 wtorek od 15:00 do 20:00 oraz środa od 14:00 do 20:00.

Konieczne wcześniejsze umówienie wizyty pod numerem tel. 503737054


Medica Space

Pszczyna ul. Katowicka 55 we czwartki od 8:00 do 12:00.

Konieczne wcześniejsze umówienie wizyty pod numerem tel. 503 999 026

Czerwionka- Leszczyny

Centrum Zdrowia Psychicznego

Czerwionka- Leszczyny ul. 3 Maja 1A.

Konieczne wcześniejsze umówienie wizyty pod numerem tel. 324328294.

Tomasz Grzyb ©. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Realizacja